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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-03-06 14:55:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:transitioning

TERFs want Richard Speck out
Watch TERFs get angry at WPATH memos:

Super funny how TERFs demand government to take my HRT meds away from me.

TERFs believe that I will man up, inseminate them or get a job and provide for them and the kids they made from a Chad nigger.

Well, that is how it works with chads and cucks, who wont transition in the first place. Yet in that video TERFs explicitly state that people with schizophrenia and personality disorders should be barred from testosterone blockers.

Apparently TERFs believe schizos are just weird people, like the math genius in the movie A Beautiful Mind, Rain Man or Misha Verbitsky. Yet real life schizos are like me, we are violent, incapable of work, jealous and hateful of women, and we torture animals out of frustration, when we don't block testosterone. So TERFs will get a Buffalo Bill on a hunt to skin them alive. BTW, Silence of the Lamb's Buffalo Bill was made after a real psycho, Richard Speck, who transitioned inside prison on smuggled HRT meds, after mass murdering 8 young women.

And true transsexuals are all like Richard Speck, Nikki Secondino and Scarlet Blake. We transition because we have mental problems, and not the other way around. Antonina Babkina was the most meek of us, and was shunned by other trans precisely due to her whiny nature.

Why people are so stupid?

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2024-03-06 17:07 (ссылка)
>incapable of work

ехал laziness через laziness
видит laziness в реке laziness
сунул laziness laziness в laziness
laziness laziness laziness laziness!

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-03-06 19:09 (ссылка)
>laziness is bad! Bad! You will go to hell!111

good goy!

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2024-03-06 17:20 (ссылка)
Что такое TERF?

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2024-03-06 19:10 (ссылка)
Colloquial term for post menopausal women with hightened testosterone and closeted FtMs.

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2024-03-06 19:27 (ссылка)
>women with hightened testosterone

любая недоёбанная баба 30+

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2024-03-06 20:01 (ссылка)
Exactly! And these women have kids, who need monetary support. So when they see a potential cuckold taking castrating pills, they get angry, especially if said cuckold holds an IT job (majority of modern trans girls).

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2024-03-06 20:04 (ссылка)
добро пожаловать в республиканскую партию

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2024-03-06 20:40 (ссылка)
Same women support Putin in Russia.

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