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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-03-22 10:20:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:Infected Mushroom - The Surgeon
Entry tags:transitioning

My Worldview is Simple
1. I don't believe in free will. All entities are shaped to existence by the environment. In the end, responsibility or accountability do not exist.
2. I don't identify as LGBT or transgender, but as a binary truscum transmaxxer. I don't believe NBs exist, since I see them as disgusting perverts in dresses.
3. I'm neither left, nor right-wing. My ideology is "I'm a hysterical bitch and a center of the universe, so I have no shame, guilt or honor to play your team games."
4. I'm trans lesbian, meaning I'm attracted only to other truscum ts and cis women. In fact, repulsion to manliness was the single major reason for my transitioning. Yet I see nothing wrong in serving men for money. I can romantically date a man, if he agrees to me castrating him (I can perform an orchiectomy or alcohol ablations). In fact, removing male genitals is the most important part in male-to-female transitioning. I don't believe in social transitioning, without a medical transitioning first, just like I don't believe in prison correcting felons, without neurosurgeries or psychoactive medications.
5. Evil doesn't exist. What people label "evil" are just the processes out of their control. Sun radiation causes skin cancer, therefore Sun is "evil". Pedophiles "raped" my little underage son, therefore pedophiles are "evil".
6. In the Russian-Ukrainian conflict I support both sides and wish them overwhelming successes in exterminating each other. I despise men, especially the heroic machos, and these wars bring their means to their end. I believe ugly, retarded or otherwise deficient people should end themselves to stop polluting the gene pool and wasting the planet's resources.
7. My FFS and SRS are orders of magnitude more important then the cisgender kids of african or palestinian animals, who beaten and harmed me at hostels and refugee camps.
8. I don't have any animal pets, because these parasites are just a waste of my scarce resources. I contemplate training my personal LLM agent as a pet. Unfortunately these are still limited, and training them is expensive. But I believe human beings should be augmented and replaced by AI solutions ASAP to improve efficiency and reduce the amount of "evil". Rationale: there are no human children, so no skin cancer or pedophiles, therefore no evil.
9. I don't have any friends, because people consider me weird, evil and inappropriate. My only friend was Antonina Babkina, who mostly shared my views. I admired her, because she was more logical than me and immediately saw the conclusion to any sequence, while my thinking remained irrational and hazy. Hopefully when the time comes I will have her will and determination to end my life.
10. I'm homophobic and racist, because both african/arabic subhumans and gays I met insisted that I should manup instead of transitioning, and that machism/manliness is a good thing. I'm more homophobic than I'm racist, since most of my escort clients are degenerate gay men, who expect me to top them, thinking I'm just an feminine gay and there is nothing wrong with a trans girl using her penis. Yet my dick was never hard and I don't have sperm for several years already. I need money, so I always lie to gays that my dick is working and I have a lot of sperm. And when they come, I offer to fuck them with a strapon and then refuse to give money back, threatening with my pimp. It is their own fault, because on the escort site I don't state being active as a service, these gays just conclude that me having a dick means I can also top them. So technically that isnt fraud, just dumb horny gays misreading my advertisement.

People say I'm a complicated and difficult person, but really I'm rather simple, just in a different plane of logic.

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2024-03-22 10:44 (ссылка)
I identify as a Heideggerian Pan-Indo-Eroupean Nazi looksmaxxer. Bye-bye!


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