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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-03-26 22:15:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:transitioning

I've never gave a seat to elderly
Does that means I'm not a soviet person?
Mom always told me that boys don't behave like that.
Guess that also means I was always a girl.

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2024-03-29 17:49 (ссылка)
No thank you, I prefer living.
I choose life.
I'm too busy enjoying life to entertain that idea.
Why would I do that when there's so much to live for?
I'm focusing on building a better future for myself.
I have too many dreams to chase to even consider that.
I believe in finding solutions, not giving up."
I'm resilient and won't let negativity bring me down.
My life has value and meaning.
I'm determined to overcome any obstacles I face.
I'm seeking help and support to improve my well-being.
I have goals and aspirations I'm working towards.
I'm stronger than you think.
I'm too curious about what the future holds.
I'm not defined by negativity.
I have a purpose in this world.
I'm choosing to be kind to myself.
I'm grateful for the gift of life.
I'm embracing the journey, despite its challenges.
I refuse to let negativity win.
I'm worth more than those words.
I'm taking each day as it comes.
I'm focusing on self-care and self-love.
I'm practicing resilience and inner strength.
I'm learning to prioritize my mental health.
I'm surrounding myself with positivity.
I'm finding joy in the little things.
I'm choosing to believe in hope.
I'm holding onto faith that things will get better.
I'm worthy of love and happiness.
I'm making a conscious effort to improve my well-being.
I'm embracing my flaws and imperfections.
I'm finding purpose in helping others.
I'm exploring new passions and interests.
I'm letting go of toxic thoughts and people.
I'm discovering my inner strength.
I'm finding solace in nature and beauty.
I'm choosing to believe in a brighter tomorrow.
I'm refusing to give up on myself.
I'm focusing on gratitude and positivity.
I'm resilient, despite life's challenges.
I'm finding reasons to smile every day.
I'm embracing the journey, no matter how tough.
I'm refusing to let negativity consume me.

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2024-03-29 19:17 (ссылка)
Hi, Katya! Plz msg me on nangld85@gmail.com
I've deleted the telegram cuz people bullied me

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2024-03-29 20:20 (ссылка)
Hi, Nancy! Sorry, but it was not Katya(

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