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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-04-25 10:35:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:computing

"The core game loop might look like this (code examples in Perl)"

"Step by step, the Rust programming language is moving deeper into the Linux kernel."

"Systemd, in turn, links to liblzma, and this allows xz Utils to exert control over sshd."

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2024-04-25 19:42 (ссылка)
"code examples in Perl" бесконечно лучше чем чем "code examples in Symta (NIH язык одной единственной ебанашки)"

>"Step by step, the Rust programming language is moving deeper into the Linux kernel."

И что ты тут высмеиваешь, дегрод? Rust is an overall nicer language than C, especially due to its memory safety guarantees, which are desirable in the kernel.

>"Systemd, in turn, links to liblzma, and this allows xz Utils to exert control over sshd."

либо supply chain attacks либо you pay through the nose за ентерпрайзное решение. Торговля жопой должна вроде бы была тебя отрезвить о цене денег.


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