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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-04-29 15:55:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:russia, ukraine, ww3

How Ukrainian Army Works

Ukrainian POWs open up about ruthless anti-retreat squads
According to one of them, a platoon, which refused to fight, left, and no one ever saw them again

MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. Ukrainian soldiers, who surrendered to Russian forces on May 25, revealed that the Kiev regime had barrier troops (better known as anti-retreat squads) that threatened anyone with summary execution for attempting to retreat or for low morale.

"Our commander told us, when were on the battlefield: if you start retreating, we will shoot you, also behind you are barrier troops, which will be shooting those running away" Dmitry Tarasyuk from the 95th assault brigade of Ukraine’s Armed Forces said in a video, posted by Russia’s Defense Ministry on Thursday.

Tarasyuk also revealed that a platoon, which refused to fight, left. "No one ever saw them again," he said.

All soldiers, who surrendered during the fighting near Krasny Liman on May 25, gave testimony about these so-called barrier troops that punish those who do not want to fight, the Defense Ministry said.

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2024-04-30 18:39 (ссылка)
You can google up any boolshit. Especially braindead humanities

Honor, the constructs of masculinity are inalineable part of all cultures, especially more backward Eastern European ones. It's part of the normal. If it's more expressed in dark triad population (which I doubt, your link doesn't support your assertion), then that would just be an interesting tidbit.

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