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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-04-30 11:17:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:Christopher Young - Hellraiser OST
Entry tags:transitioning

The longer I transition, the more I support genocide of all faggots
Literally every single gay man, including femboys, I meet wants transgirls to detransition, and insists that one can be a girl without HRT.

You wont find bigger transphobes than homosexuals.

So truscum ts acceptance should include total gay genocide somewhere along the way.

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2024-05-01 11:56 (ссылка)
And? Your brother is irrelevant since he's in Russia, and there everything happens according to orders, not wishes of the populace. If tomorrow the next Putin will consider членодевки cимволом силовиковской verility, then all the siloviks will start to transition. Such is the principle of operation of authoritarian cultures.

If your brother was in the west, then he would just be man with an opinion. To accuse him of something he would have to at least donate to anti-trans causes.

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