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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-05-26 11:49:00

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Музыка:Sumac Dub - Norska

HTTPS is a security theater.

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2024-05-27 20:22 (ссылка)
"Born in Fargo, North Dakota,[126] Salvador Rolando Ramos was a resident of Uvalde from an early age and was a former student at Uvalde High School.[127] ... He was frequently bullied at school due to his stutter, short haircut, and limited wardrobe, because his family was unable to afford more.[9][10][129] At one point another student tied his shoelaces together, causing him to fall face down.[9] Lt. Chris Olivarez from Texas DPS claimed that Ramos had no friends.[130] Furthermore, he did not have a criminal record or any documented mental health issues.[55] However, he had searched the term "sociopath" and received an email about possible treatment.[9] He had also previously posted violent threats online.[131]

Ramos' social media acquaintances said he openly abused and killed animals such as cats and would livestream the abuse on Yubo.[132] Other social media acquaintances said that he would also livestream himself on Yubo threatening to kidnap and rape girls who used the app, as well as threatening to commit a school shooting.Э

Садков, признайся честно, если бы у тебя был легкий доступ к огнесрелу, ты бы устроил шутинг? Твоя биография, это как будто биография несформировавшегося до конца скулшутера.

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2024-05-28 17:59 (ссылка)
А зачем? Достаточно СВО

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