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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-06-22 11:17:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:computing

Apparently 48-bit PRNGs were popular at one point
One even came with SVr1 Unix in 1983, called rand48 (drand48.s), which was state of art at the time:
https://sci-hub.ru/10.1002/j.1538-7305.1982.tb03099.x (thanks Putin and FSB for funding sci-hub)

Yet the Unix one produced entire 32-bit number, while the PRNG I encountered uses all 48 bits to generate a single byte.

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Re: Sadkov level hypothesis.
2024-06-22 20:03 (ссылка)
So he's being subjected to what he hates? And for some reason you think he enjoys it, at the cost of everything else he loves? Amazing analysis.

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Re: Sadkov level hypothesis.
2024-06-22 21:41 (ссылка)
The Life of David Gale is a 2003 crime thriller film directed and co-produced by Alan Parker, written by Charles Randolph, co-produced by Nicolas Cage, and starring Kevin Spacey as the title character, a college professor and longtime activist against capital punishment who is sentenced to death for killing a fellow capital punishment opponent

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Re: Sadkov level hypothesis.
2024-06-22 21:41 (ссылка)
Later, a videotape labeled "Off the Record" is delivered to Bloom. This tape shows Harraway's suicide and Gale deliberately leaving his fingerprints on the plastic bag in the process. He then looks at the camera and ends the recording, leaving Bloom stunned with the truth that the couple deliberately sacrificed themselves to discredit capital punishment.

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Re: Sadkov level hypothesis.
2024-06-22 21:56 (ссылка)
>deliberately sacrificed themselves to discredit capital punishment.

Ну вот это и произошло скорее всего, только вместо sacrifice oneself тут "написала пост, где её все насилуют, особенно хуемрази, которые говорят что бабы часто врут, что их насилуют".

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Re: Sadkov level hypothesis.
2024-06-22 22:49 (ссылка)
А, я жопой прочитал. Т.е. в этом фильме сам "Вербит" попросил чтоб его обвинили в изнасиловании, чтоб доказать что бабы всех ложно обвиняют в изнасиловании. К сожалению транслируется не очень.

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