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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-06-30 10:55:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:computing

1993 Copy Protection

I haven't yet played the game I'm reversing, outside of watching the youtube
videos. But it is useful to have a running copy, to see what the game is
supposed to do. Still my copy of STRONG.EXE is copy protected, and asks
a random word from the manual at page P, line L, serving as a password.

Of course people have published the passwords, there are just 25 of them.
But it is kinda annoying entering them all the time. So I need to mod it
to remove the copy protection dialog completely.

The case of Stronghold a dialog is just a function, which creates a few
superficial UI elements, like labels and text input.
The copyright dialog is at 3381:2ee2, if you directly merger the FBOV section,
like I did and load the executable at 0x10000.

All dialogs are implemented as loops, with process keyboard messages and
respond to them by updating state and graphics. The copy protection dialog
is not an exception. On entry it check if copy protection needs to be done,
then generates a random number below 25 and sets number of attempts to 0.
After that it enters the loop, which repeatedly redraws the dialog, which
contains page and line indices corresponding to the random number.
It then processes the user input and compares it using stricmp() to
the password corresponding to that random number.  If the user fails 3 times
to supply the correct password, the game just exits.

Both page/line numbers and passwords are stored in plain text in the exe's
data section. Although that doesn't make it easy to reach that code with Ghidra,
which tends to mess up the ES segment references, unless ES equals to DS.
But IDA Pro maps everything perfectly, and it got Borland Overlays support
in 1993, so even back in the days cracking this game was easy. Unfortunately
the IDA doesn't support decompiling x86 code, Therefore I will have to somehow
mod the Ghidra to handle the ES correctly to fix all the references.

Anyway, regarding the other difficult part of dumping the files from STRONG.DAT.
The game itself doesn't use filenames to refer to the files, but the file index,
which was apparently generated manually. To produce the STRONG.DAT got,
the exe was run with the "grab" command, which ordered it to grab the files
and place them in the order of the according file indices inside the STRONG.DAT.

Surprisingly the English version still preserves the filenames table, used
to generate STRONG.DAT. But it isn't really required to play the game.
Both Japanese versions (FM-Towns and PC-98) are missing the filenames, as well
as the STRONG.DAT generation code, which makes them significantly smaller.

Luckily for us, the English version preserves names and even includes the code
to remake STRONG.DAT. Bad news is that it is done in two monolithic routines,
which take ages to decompile.

Additionally, the game put the VOC and XMI files into a separate sublist, so
the play_sfx() function takes indices from that sublist. The *.LBM files are
converted to a custom format, reminiscent of PCX, when the STRONG.DAT is made.
The PCX was the defacto standard DOS image format, since it was produced by
the only good graphics editor available at the time - PC Paintbrush.
It was later superseded by Deluxe Paint, which allowed gamedev related features,
like ranges, color cycling and index painting, so some people used Deluxe Paint
up until the modern pixel art editors appeared.

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2024-06-30 12:44 (ссылка)
Is it entertaining? Are you being entertained?

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2024-06-30 15:07 (ссылка)

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2024-07-19 04:46 (ссылка)
@geometry dash it's great, thanks for sharing

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Re: ok
2024-08-23 10:44 (ссылка)
Oh, also for @geometry dash unblocked

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Re: ok
2024-08-27 11:47 (ссылка)
The rhythmic gameplay in this red ball game is a standout feature, offering a unique blend of music and motion. As the red ball bounces and rolls, it perfectly synchronizes with the background music, creating a seamless dance between the two. This rhythmic synchronization adds a layer of depth and challenge, making each level feel like a choreographed performance where timing and precision are key. It’s an engaging experience that keeps players on their toes and enhances the fun of navigating through the game.

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Play unblocked games
2024-09-06 11:05 (ссылка)
Nothing beats the thrill of discovering new adventures on unblocked games 76! With its vast array of options, it truly transforms your free time into a luxury experience. Whether you’re diving into a strategic puzzle or embarking on an action-packed quest, it’s the perfect way to bond with family and friends. The excitement of exploring new games together creates memorable moments and brings out the passion in every player.

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Re: Play unblocked games
2024-09-23 15:12 (ссылка)
Also part of Unblocked Games is slope unblocked, which features fast-paced gameplay and exciting obstacles, allowing players to test their skills and enjoy endless fun without any restrictions.

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