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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-07-07 13:14:00

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Recovering Palettes
it was easier than I expected, most palettes preclude the graphics using them inside the archive.
That was due to how STRONG.DAT was generated.

Audio formats are also really easy, music is XMI, which is well documented, while audio was raw unsigned 8bit PCM at 11025Hz, which was originally in ADPCM encoded VOC files. During the grab process, the game used MIDPAK to decompress these ADPCMs for some reason. Maybe HDD access was faster than the 386 ADPCM decoder? Why 11025Hz? Apparently audio designers measure quality in fractions of CD audio, which is 44100. In any case I need to re-encoded them back into VOC, so grab process could be done once again.