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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-07-08 11:24:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:russia, ukraine, ww3

I was always repulsed by religions
Because religions imply I have to accept something billions of subhumans accept.
Subhumans like literal shanty town niggers and arabs.
Thanks. But I have enough self respect, so I will remain atheist.
I'm an individuality, not a sheeple.
So unless you have a religion where I'm myself the highest goddess...

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2024-07-08 12:02 (ссылка)

incorrect usage. "an individual" or "I have individuality"

>remain atheist.

This is also sus. Although atheist can be an adjective, it's used primarily as a noun when people self-describe themselves. So "an atheist".


>Subhumans like

What about "subhumans" who built the west? Religion was the driving and unifying force behind it. The various evolved forms of Protestantism are the foundation of the American culture, their individualistic morality, their work ethic, and consequently their economic success, and world domination.

>the highest goddess

the highest goddess would certainly be able to change their gender at will.

сперва добейся.

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2024-07-08 12:48 (ссылка)
Religious person can't have individuality by the definition being religious.
I.e. following procedures intended for the faceless masses.
Same way an insect can't have individuality.

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2024-07-08 13:50 (ссылка)
Тупая хуйня какая-то. Ты всё равно живешь в обществе и "follow procedures intended for the faceless masses", например запрет открытой дефекации, и совершенно неиндивидуально веришь в выработанное и навязываемую обществом скажем атомарную природу вещества, которую сама не проверяла. Для религиозников их религиозный нарратив это просто часть принимаемого за истину.

You can't have individuality without defecating in the open, smearing and eating shit all over, walking naked everywhere -- otherwise you would be "following procedures intended for the faceless masses."

Не фанат религиозников, но аргументы у тебя as always тупейшие.

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2024-07-08 20:59 (ссылка)
If there are no accessible toilets, I have no issue defecating on the streets.
I have very low tolerance for bullshit. That is why I left Russia.

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2024-07-08 21:51 (ссылка)
А зачем туалеты такому индивидуалисту как ты? Стыд это brain procedure intended for the faceless masses. И таки есть разница между стыдливым defecating in the streets, забившись в какой-то угол, and defecating in the streets, когда прям шел, шел, снял штаны и насрал, прямо на виду у всех, в общественном транспорте, на улице, в магазине, на клумбу. Даже если со сбором в пакетик, как с собачками.

And your comment is beside the point. The amount of procedures, assumptions, facts, intended for faceless masses that you follow, that you've internalized, is still staggering. Religion would be a drop in a bucket. So this is a really bad argument against religion.

>I have very low tolerance for bullshit. That is why I left Russia.

As if there are fewer procedures, norms, rules in the west.

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2024-07-08 22:11 (ссылка)
My hopes are for LLMs to replace humanity.

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2024-07-08 22:19 (ссылка)
LLMs are human derived by their very design. If something is to replace humanity it has to be a more advanced self-driven architecture.

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2024-07-08 16:41 (ссылка)
About your selfie in a hooded robe and white socks without a wig, what year and month was it taken, and what was that thread about?


2024-07-09 17:05 (ссылка)
God hates you, Sadkov.

(Ответить) (Ветвь дискуссии)

2024-07-09 18:24 (ссылка)
Не пизди. Те, кого Бог ненавидит, сдохли от ковида или удобряют украинские поля. Садков не улучшает свою жизнь от собственной лени, тут уж Бог не виноват.

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