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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-07-21 11:15:00

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Настроение: amused
Entry tags:computing

Linux is secure becasue nobody cares about it
When Windows BSODs on boot, it makes worldwide headlines.
When the kernel panics on boot on Linux, it doesn't even make news because it happens all the time.

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Re: Как Sadkoff сливает аргументы.
2024-07-21 19:09 (ссылка)
>You "like" tranny related shit without any rhyme or reason.

You forbid me?

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Re: Как Sadkoff сливает аргументы.
2024-07-21 19:18 (ссылка)
I'm just highlighting your irrationality. The fact that something is somehow related to someone trans doesn't make it more or less superior.

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Re: Как Sadkoff сливает аргументы.
2024-07-21 21:48 (ссылка)
How about you highlight anything good about your Linux instead?

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Generic linux advert targeted at Sadkoff
2024-07-21 22:38 (ссылка)
If you are talking about the kernel it's fast, works on most modern hardware well (although for every last thing to work in say laptop you'd need to do some research beforehand), from tiny raspberri pi like things to ginormous servers, syscalls are stable, It's highly customizable, zfs on linux is simply amazing (you can encrypt your root too). It's just a unix-like kernel that works, what else do you want?

If you are talking about the wider linux ecosystem -- most dev shit is integrated into the system, and is either preinstalled or installable with a single command invoking distro's package manager. You don't need to download installers 99% of the time. Now that nvidia drivers (starting with 560, which isn't released yet, it's in beta, but will be) and the graphics libraries support explicit sync, linux has working wayland combined with powerful nvidia hardware, which, beside few omissions (like HDR, which are being solved) is a state of the art graphics presentation infrastructure, no worse than what's available on windows or mac. Lots of areas like machine learning, compiler development, various scientific projects just assume linux(and often python), so it's the de facto standard for nerds who like to solve puzzles, like you self-discribingly do. As a user you have a wide choice of graphical environments, from generic and simple, targeted at lazy people, like Gnome, and KDE, which is more windows-like, with more gui-driven customization, to more involved like tiling window managers like hyprland and sway, that work through keyboard shortcuts. Simple things like file managers, image viewers are very competent now. If you use Gentoo, you can disable/enable unneeded/needed dependencies with useflags, limiting the footprint of your system. There is no tracking of any kind, and you can read all the code in your system (or even patch the annoying shit out by simply adding a file to the special folder, from which the build system picks it up, and allows you to not bother with it for several versions, until it breaks). You yourself control when to do the updates. Important proprietary software packages for nerds, like Mathematica and Matlab are available for Linux. There are no Microsofts mostly failed heritage of COM/OLE, when they tried to objectify everything in the system, making it hard to configure -- stuff is configured with simple text files, which often have comments.

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Re: Как Sadkoff сливает аргументы.
2024-07-21 22:59 (ссылка)
Also, lots of trans girls in the developer community around linux, for example AsahiLina develops drivers for Arm Macbooks in rust live on stream https://www.youtube.com/@AsahiLina/streams

Also Alyssa Rosenzweig.

Faith Ekstrand develops opensourse Nvidia drivers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwBe7l9tqro

There are many others.

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