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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-07-29 11:46:00

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Настроение: amused
Музыка:Александр Лаэртский - Командир сельской почты - III
Entry tags:islam, trains

How to derail a train?
Some people recommend termite or explosives.
But you need to take out a large rail segment.
Train can remain on track if the segment is small.
Explosion can also attract unwanted attention.

The easiest way to derail a train is to damage the switches.
Today many switches are automatic.
Still you can jam them at the right moment with a metal rod.

It can be also possible to damage the locomotive itself.
But that requires getting onto the shunting yard.
Train yards are usually guarded.
But in Russia nobody cares.

Why would one derail a train?
Typical train derailment incurs millions of USD in damages.
They will have to remove the wreck, stopping transportation for days.
That can easily jam a dependent segment of economy.
Possible bonuses is the toxic freight polluting the neighborhood,
and a lot of normies dying, making others more paranoid.