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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-08-04 01:14:00

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Настроение: accomplished

How my ECS implementation looks
Still a single macro. Although it does emit the stub getter and setter methods, which the runtime patches with the native code.
The macro looks simple, but implementing it in C/C++ will require many thousands of error-prone lines of code.
That is in addtion to all the table related code.
So ECS is anything but easy to implemnt properly (outside of the basic structure of arrays).


Column-oriented Struct (aka CLasSifier)

  cls tname.parent(@ParentArgs)! @`prefix` @Params @Args

!                      - Provide `.tname` method

@`prefix`              - Picks custom prefix for the database columns,
                         associated with this type. Default is `tname_`
                         Can be ``

@Params:               - Params to the cls
  \nocvt               - Dont init the `cls` column, which allows
                         converting the unknown `id` entities to this type
  \clearable           - Provides the No.cls_clear_tname method,
                         which clears all tables associated with this type

  UpperCaseName        - Normal argument name, usable Fields values and Initcode
  lowerCaseName        - Creates a field and initalizes with that arg
  Name!Value           - Keyword argument with a default value

  name                 - Unitialized field, which defaults to No
  name!!Default        - Unitialized field, which defaults to Default
  name!Value           - Initialized field. Value could reference @Args
  'name'!Value         - Creates a column prefix_name, but doesn't generate
                         the cls.name method.
                         Symta's version of C++ private data fields

cls Name @Fs =
  OName Name
  NeedsTypePredicate Name(0:['!' &Name]) //wants a type predicate?
  Parent \id
  Name(:['()' &Name @&ParentArgs])
  Name(:['.' &Name &Parent])
  Sink No
  case Parent:
    [`$` Part] =
      Sink = Part
      Parent = \id
      Name(:['.' &Name &Parent])
  Pfx "[Name]_" //part prefix
  case Fs [`@` &Pfx],@R: Fs = R //cls Name@UserPfx @Fs
  Params nocvt!0 clearable!0
  while 1:
    case Fs:
      [`\\` Param],@_ = Params.Param = 1
      [`\\` [`()` Param [@Args]]],@_ = Params.Param = Args
      Else = done
    Fs = Fs.tail
  AFs: //auto initialized fields
  case Fs [@FsP [[`|` @L [`=` [] []] @R ]]]: Fs =: @FsP [`=` L.j [`|` @R]]
  case Fs [@FsP [`=` &AFs &Body]]: Fs = FsP
  case Fs [@FsP &Body<[`|` @_]]: Fs = FsP
  //normalize into [Name Value PrefixedName]
  // If Name is `_`, dont produce a database column, only a method
  AFs = AFs{['!' ['@' ['.' PN N]]] V =: N V PN
           ;['!' ['@' PN]] V =: _ V PN
           ;['!' ['!' N]] V =: N ['!' V] "[Pfx][N]"
           ;['!' N] V =: N V "[Pfx][N]"
           ; N =: N No "[Pfx][N]"}
  if NeedsTypePredicate: push [_ 1 Name] AFs //if Object.widget: ...
  //push [_ Name cls]  AFs
  FNs: //field names
  PFNs: //typenanme-prefixed field names
  KVs: //keyworded args default value
  As: //arguments
  FAs: //field arguments
  till Fs.end:
    KV No //keyword value
    case Fs [[`!` _] [`!` _]@_]+[[`!` _]]: Fs =: Fs.head No @Fs.tail
    case Fs [[`!` F] D @R]:
      KV =: D
      Fs =: F @R
    push KV KVs
    AN /Fs
    A AN.title
    push A As
    if AN.is_keyword:
      push AN FNs
      push A FAs
      PAN "[Pfx][AN]"
      Fs(:[`@` &PAN],@&Fs)
      push PAN PFNs
  FNs,FAs,As,KVs,PFNs [FNs FAs As KVs PFNs]{f}
  KAs [As KVs].zip{A,[D] =: ['!' A] D; A,_=:A}.j //args with keywords
  Fields: @[FNs PFNs].zip{?0,?1,No} @AFs.skip(?0><_){?0,?2,?1}
  ParentRig []
  ParentDel []
  Me \Me
  Id form: gid_ Me
  if Parent<>id:
    PR form: Me.$("rig_[Parent]") $@ParentArgs
    push PR ParentRig
    PD form: Me.$("del_[Parent]") 
    push PD ParentDel
  InitedAFs AFs.keep(?1(1:No+['!' V]=0))
  InitCls if Params.nocvt: form (Me = $init_cls_nocvt)
          else form (Me = $init_cls Name)
  Hdr1 form: `|` (cls_set_ Id cls Name)
                $@([PFNs FAs].zip{PFN,A = form: $rig PFN,A})
                $@(InitedAFs{N,V,PN = form: $rig PN,V})
  Hdr form: InitCls
            $@([PFNs FAs].zip{PFN,A = form: $rig PFN,A})
            $@(InitedAFs{N,V,PN = form: $rig PN,V})
  Type form: type Name.Parent $@(KAs): = `|` $@Hdr Body
  Rig1 form: id.$("rig1_[Name]") $@(KAs) = $@Hdr1 Body Me
  Rig form: id.$("rig_[Name]") $@(KAs) = `|` $@Hdr Body Me
  IdS "Id".rand
  Del1F form: `|` (IdS Id) $@(Fields{FN,PFN,V = form: $"T_[PFN]_".del IdS})
  Del1 form: id.$("del1_[Name]") = Del1F
  //Del1 form: id.$("del1_[Name]") = $del $@(Fields{?1})
  Del form: id.$("del_[Name]") = `|` $$("del1_[Name]") $@ParentDel
  AsText form: Name.ser_ = "${[\Name] [Me.ub.t.as_text.drop^2]}"
  //`cls`-types don't have the `__` method
  //Instead they explicitly define accessors for the used fields.
  for [FN PFN V] Fields:
    SetPrologue 0
    GetPrologue 0
    case V:
      ['!' X] =
        case X [['$' SE] @&X]: //user want 
          SetPrologue = SE
          case X [['$' GE] @&X]: GetPrologue = GE
          X = X.~
          V =: '!' X
        if X^is_constant:
          case X ['$' E]: X = E
          push PFN,X TblNos
          V = No
    FG case V: //field getter: replacing missing elements by the default value
        ['!' X] =
          case GetPrologue:
            ['=' [] PBody] =
              form: Name.FN = `|` PBody (gid_get_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me).@X
            Else = form: Name.FN = (gid_get_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me).@X
        Else = case GetPrologue:
                 ['=' [] PBody] =
                   form: Name.FN = `|` PBody (gid_get_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me)
                 Else = form: Name.FN = cls_get_stub_ Me $"T_[PFN]_"
    push FG FAs
    FSN "=[FN]"
    FS case V: //field setter: assigning default value removes the element
        ['!' V] =
          case SetPrologue:
            ['=' [Var] PBody] =
              form: Name.FSN Var =
                if Var><V: ($"T_[PFN]_").del Id
                else gid_set_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me Var
            Else =
              form: Name.FSN ~V =
                if ~V><V: ($"T_[PFN]_").del Id
                else gid_set_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me ~V
        Else =
          case SetPrologue:
            ['=' [Var] PBody] =
              form: Name.FSN Var = `|` PBody (gid_set_ $"T_[PFN]_" Me Var)
            Else = form: Name.FSN ~V = cls_set_stub_ Me ~V $"T_[PFN]_"
    push FS FAs
  if got Sink:
    S form: Name.__ ~Method ~Args = |~Args.0 = $(\Me).Sink; ~Args.apply_method ~Method
    push S FAs
  AsType form: id.$("[Name]_") = ref_ (tag_ (_data Name)) Id
  SetCvt form: No.set_cls_cvt_ Name: ~Id => ref_ (tag_ (_data Name)) ~Id
  push AsType FAs
  push SetCvt FAs
  FTbls map [FN PFN V] Fields: //field tables
    form: $"T_[PFN]_" cls_tbl_ PFN
  SetNos map PFN,NoVal TblNos: //set default value for the tables
    form: $"T_[PFN]_".setNo NoVal
  if Params.clearable:
    CTbls map [FN PFN V] Fields: form: $"T_[PFN]_".clear
    Clear form: no.$("cls_clear_[Name]") = `;` $@CTbls
    Clearer =: Clear
  form @(`|` $@FTbls $@SetNos Type Rig1 Rig Del1 Del AsText $@FAs $@Clearer)

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