Настроение: | amused |
Музыка: | The Protomen - The Fight |
Entry tags: | computing |
How Telegram Works (Worked?)
Being a prostitute, I mostly get as clients family men after 40.
All "discreet", the guys don't want anyone to know they pay for sex.
They use Telegram to contact prostitutes, believing in its "security."
Now Telegram supplies user data to various 3rd parties (i.e. FSB and SVR).
These can exploit the fact person visits prostitutes, especially gay ones.
In fact, criminals routinely contact prostitutes promising hundreds of USD,
hoping to obtain client lists.
These independent criminals usually try selling these clients some
crap branded as "cocaine", and afterwards just blackmail them,
promising to expose everything to their families.
I can only guess what Russian FSB/SVR does with all that data.
But Telegram is on every single phone and office PC.
That surely allows them to access a lot, beside messages.
If the service is free, then you're the product.
That applies to WhatApp, Viber and Discord too, even to IRC.
But you're always the product, and many girls I know do sell the numbers.
I'm not russopobic! See? See?!!