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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-08-30 01:21:00

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Музыка:Hitsohi Sakimoto - The Sufferers' Cant (Dark Dice OST)
Entry tags:computing

ECS Transitioning Progress
So far ended up with the phases on the screenshot.

What I dount is that phases tend to be hierarchical, since they happen as subphases inside larger cycles, which can share phases as well as having special phases as they progress. For example one of the hierarchy levels is responsible for general planning and other for performing one turn of action, using the Final Fantasy Tactics style time quantization in roguelike turns. Should turn the players into entities too, even if they are for the housekeeping, they share a lot of properties with other organizing entities and have phased updates. The game time scheduling doesn't end with delta-T, and one can write a monograph on it.

Anyway, Dark Dice OST appears to be the best score I heard in years, since the 2nd Baldur's Gate.
Baldur's Gate III had that type of distasteful filler music by a slavshit composer.

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2024-08-30 10:24 (ссылка)
>since the 2nd Baldur's Gate

Как минимум сразу после был ещё Icewind Dale 2 OST. Один Skeleton of a Town чего стоит.

>Dark Dice OST

Послушал. Filler как filler. Завывающий. Ничего особенного. Гениальности не обнаружено. Ну разве что выше среднего.

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2024-08-30 10:37 (ссылка)
Not all tracks are by Sakimoto.

But yeah, Sakimoto apparently copies from Basil Poleduris.

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