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Friday, May 3rd, 2024

    Time Event
    Teardown voxel physics implementation

    TLDR: the game has inertia boxes for each chunk, whose orientation is related to the inertia tensor, which expresses how resistant is the chunk to the rotational acceleration in certain direction. These recomputed every time a chunk is modified, apparently by summing over the gradient of the chunk voxel's masses.

    Surprisingly they avoid the classic octree + BVH approach.
    The octree is used only for the very first few LODs.
    But they do switch LODs after certain distance threshold.
    I.e. they achieve the similar speed result as with octree and BVH,
    but without the more involved algorithms.

    Current Mood: amused
    How to evade conscription
    "Лица с ВИЧ-инфекцией признаются «негодными к военной службе с исключением с воинского учета». Человеку, живущему с ВИЧ, будет отказано в прохождении срочной службы, призыве на сборы, а также в поступлении в военные учебные заведения и суворовское училище."призовут-ли-в-армию-с-вич-отвечает-юр/

    Doesn't work in Ukraine though:
    в украинскую армию стали призывать и тех граждан, которые по состоянию здоровья в мирное время признавались непригодными к военной службе. Среди них - и ВИЧ-инфицированные.

    I heard Ukrainians eliminate crippled and problematic people under the pretense of "defending motherland"

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Simon Lambros - Elegy: Moderato
    Comparing the most Western song with the most Russian one:

    Holst - Thaxted:

    A clean tune, expressing the noble yet humble nature of the white imperialist, bringing civilization to the depraved aborigines.

    Tchaikovsky - Hymn of the Cherubim op. 41 No. 6:

    Blurry vodka infused howlings expressing the deep soulful world of the cannibal finno ugric tribesmen.

    And that isn't just Tchaikovsky. Russian music is either the clown commie shit for workers and peasants (i.e. Sviridov), or these church howlings. If the Russian music wont turn you into a russophobe, then you're a honorary snownigger. I'm personally not a fan of rap either, but let's be honest, africans have the sense of rhythm. Can't say that about Russians.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music:
    Finding Music on Youtube
    Somehow Youtube misses a ton of classic electronic music.
    Take for example Michael Hoenig, the dude is one of the krautrock pioneers.
    He also did Baldur's Gate soundtrack.
    Yet Youtube is missing large portion of his film scoring work, beside some X-Files music,
    Even a crappy russian pirate site host more more of his music:

    check the arpegiator and final race tracks there.

    Current Mood: amused

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