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Friday, May 24th, 2024

    Time Event
    ChatGPT translation
    Stumbled upon the following DirectX 5 example

    It does some obscure shit. In particular, it inits palette to random colors
        // clear all the palette entries to RGB 0,0,0
        // set all of the flags to the correct value
        for (index=0; index<256; index++)
            // create the GRAY/RED/GREEN/BLUE palette, 64 shades of each
            if ((index / 64)==0)
                color_palette[index].peRed = index*4;
                color_palette[index].peGreen = index*4;
                color_palette[index].peBlue = index*4;
            } // end if
            if ((index / 64)==1)
                color_palette[index].peRed = (index%64)*4;
            if ((index / 64)==2) 
                color_palette[index].peGreen = (index%64)*4;
            if ((index / 64)==3)
                color_palette[index].peBlue = (index%64)*4;
            // set the no collapse flag
            color_palette[index].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE;
        } // end for index

    So I asked ChatGPT to convert it to SDL2.
    And it decided to be smart....
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COLORS; i++)
            Set_Pal_Entry(i, (i % 64) * 4, ((i / 64) % 4) * 64, ((i / 64) % 4) * 64);

    That was in fact the single broken part of it.
    Outside of the need to "#define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED" to suppress SDL from doing `#define main SDL_main /*happy debugging retards!*/`

    Anyway, the code is basically Etch A Sketch

    Current Mood: amused
    Entity Relations
    Apparently the right way to implement relations is the by creating a relation table dynamically and adding there all ids satisfying the relation:

    Basically we do
      ComponentTables["[Relation] [What]"].[EntityId] != NULL

    For example
      ComponentTables["is mortal"].[Socrates] != NULL

    In SQL people usually introduce secondary keys for that.

    But yeah, that requires very efficient and adaptive hash table implementation, since we can have millions of relations, having just a few elements each. I.e. doing unordered_map<int,int> won't cut it.

    Current Music: VNV Nation - When is the Future?

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