nancygold's Journal
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Sunday, July 21st, 2024

    Time Event
    Rust is defective by design

    Meme tier language.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Command & Conquer - Industrial (YM2612 Cover)
    Linux is secure becasue nobody cares about it
    When Windows BSODs on boot, it makes worldwide headlines.
    When the kernel panics on boot on Linux, it doesn't even make news because it happens all the time.

    Current Mood: amused
    Final Fantasy 7 Engine Used Staged Modules Instead of Overlays
    The game was decomposed into a state machine, and each major state was put into its own executable module with a distinct interface

    That allowed spreading work across several teams, while keeping in memory only the current module.

    PlayStation 1 had no MMU, so paging was not an option, and the compilers they used never supported overlays.

    Overlays were invented at the dawn of computing, for Cobol and Fortran.
    Yet good technology gets abandoned and forgotten in favor of inferior solutions.

    Current Mood: amused

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