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Monday, August 5th, 2024

    Time Event
    Line Fractal Terrain
    Back in 1984, LucasArts made several 3d games with relatively large worlds and view distance (for 8bit 1.7MHz systems)
    They used an obscure rendering method, similar to the one in later Novalogic games.
    These featured even the fog:

    Funny how today people compete who will waste more computing resources,
    overloading the system with spyware and memory protections,
    in addition to just badly written and designed systems.

    On Amiga it is a bit smoother

    Current Mood: amused

    Current Mood: amused
    This demosecene effect aged extremely well

    Zoomer retards will have hard time recreating it even on a TFLOPS GPU.

    Current Mood: amused
    After all these years and countless format changes..
    The demo map from is still loadable, although all the scripts are broken lol.

    Since everything transitioned to ECS, it became possible to make the game open world by just patching in the chunks of cell entities in and out of the grid. Although I'm unsure how to properly game design around it, because I kinda want to retain the strategy map, since it gives larger scale perspective. I will have to generalize / abstract the updates going inside the unloaded chunks.

    The grid under the ECS is also rather abstract. I just reserve a 32768x32768x32768 entities. And this grid is a bit too massive, so even if I had the CPU speed to go through it and wouldn't knew how to make any manageable gameplay out of it. Somehow removing limitations makes creative decisions harder.

    Current Mood: amused

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