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Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

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    Apparently other too notice the utter retardness of the Unix way...
    Anon provided a link:

    >idiotic design decision is to compile all the packages for a fixed version of the system libraries, and to never have them updated during the lifetime of a point-release distro. (There are exceptions, but that’s the rule.

    Remember, Microsoft always ships several versions of the C runtime library, which even GCC links against. So a program from 90ies could still work on Windows 11, if not for Microsoft starting to damage compatibility on purpose, like disabling support for 16bit apps.

    Somehow static complication was a never a thing for Linux. Maybe because the Linux kernel ABI is unstable and needlessly convoluted? After all they are now rewriting the kernel in Rust.

    Current Mood: amused
    The slowest programming language ever

    Can you guess how the definitions in that header make Squirrel slower than even Python?

    Every time I think that Python is crap, I get reminded that there are worse alternatives.

    Who if not Python?

    Current Mood: amused

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