nancygold's Journal
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Tuesday, September 24th, 2024

    Time Event
    People ask me why I still don't use Rust
    Rust is not what you think it is. Rust isn't really a programming language.
    Rust is a political tool, whose sole goal is taking control away from the programmers.
    Just like they used flu to justify authoritarianism, then use segfaults to justify Rust.
    So I prefer the based old school languages, like LISP, REFAL, POP-11 and C.

    TLDR: Rust is cringe and woke ruse, invented to enslave the programmer.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    This is why ugly people should be barred from procreation

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Microsoft Patented Mouse Cursor in 2007

    TLDR: in console RTS games (since Herzog Zwei) moving the cursor also moves the screen. Microsoft actually patented it decades after it first appeared.

    I think same scheme was also used in many computer RTS games, where moving cursor far enough from center made screen moving towards it.

    Current Mood: amused

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