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Thursday, October 10th, 2024

    Time Event
    The Diablo games
    Diablo 4 does have nice graphics, pay to win store, persistent mmorpg world and insultingly gamified presentation.

    It is missing just two things: something which works together as a compelling game and has a cute Pulp Fiction reference:

    And to answer the decades long question: Diablo is not roguelike. It is missing the core element of roguelikes: large number of unidentified items which player uses out of desperation. For a game to be roguelike, it doesn't even need monsters or randomly generated dungeons. Just the items. Found randomly and player having to use them, facing the unexpected consequences. The core rogue-like loop: get items, use them and deal with the results. To my knowledge from the mainstream games only the ToeJam & Earl is roguelike. Notably it doesn't have combat.

    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - Recovery

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