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Thursday, October 17th, 2024

    Time Event
    How Ukraine Works
    Ukrainian government loves to do the transgender hormonal and surgical gatekeeping, stating that it is harmful to health, yet when it comes to involuntarily drafting people into military and sending to a suicide mission, Ukrainian government suddenly forgets about the health. Ukraine is one huge hypocrisy, a nation formed on lies and deception.

    Also, sovereignty, freedom, and self-determination are the core pillars of the rabid nationalism aka nazism, which impedes the humanity's unification and progress. Any nation should bow to the empire, and any weaker empire should surrender to the superior empire. So Putin is completely right when he calls Ukrainians nazis.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Nigger Terms
    If you see an image editing software using terms "dodge" and "burn" instead of "brighten" and "darken", you immediately know it was made by the conservative niggers, who stick to their degenerate dark age technologies. Same kind of people will draw a thorn, a nail and a crucifix to represent passion, which all non-subhumans will represent by a burning heart.

    Current Mood: contemplative
    Current Music: Sergei Prokofiev : The Love for Three Oranges, orchestral suite from the opera Op. 33
    The Spell of Mastery Progress
    Currently I have to design the skills UI.
    Back then I developed my own HTML clone completely with embedded widgets.
    Now I have forgot how it works, since I never documented it.
    So have to go through the code deciphering the tag meaning from their rendering.

    Still much easier than using HTML.
    For example, I can introduce table with a single tag `t [X_OFFSET_IN_SPACES]`.
    Compare that to HTML with its mess of table, th, td and tr.
    There is no way I will ever do webdev.
    Better being a homeless cocksucking whore.

    Anyway, I need some loop or dup tag to repeat an element multiple times.

    Current Mood: determined
    Current Music: Hitoshi Sakimoto - The World For The People

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