nancygold's Journal
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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

    Time Event
    The Spell of Mastery Progress
    Ok. I have restored the main loop.
    So now first mob can be killed, gold collected and city developed.
    I also kinda got the city layout, fitting it into 22x22 tiles.
    Togethe with wall and moat.
    Still huge, kinda approaches the base size in typical RTS games.

    Now I have to come with a nice faction-neutral building design.
    For the wall I decided to go with a LoTR style wall.
    The AI model couldn't generate what I want.
    A the palette and few generated elements were okay for a start.

    Dunno if I should add brick or stone pattern.
    Or I can add to the lore that local masons use magic to fuse rocks.
    Or just apply coating.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    Multimodal agents controlling Windows 11 are available as a service

    All these office workers will have to pack up and join me at the unemployment market.

    The engineering breakthrough we have deserved.

    Current Mood: amused

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