nancygold's Journal
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Monday, October 28th, 2024

    Time Event
    The Spell of Mastery Progress
    Some time ago I introduced a proper humanoid character base.
    Now I have to redraw all my existing human characters to use it.

    Using single base for all character makes them more generic.
    But that can be a good thing.
    Since the characters are guaranteed to take that much spaces.
    And well I can reflect what characters wear.

    Anyway, my pixelart skills improved since then.
    So I have made a nice shield for that knight.
    And the stance is a bit less silly.

    At one point I wanted to steal the Legacy of Kain's Malek design:
    Or make my own unique cool character.
    But really I need just a generic knight/paladin.

    Current Mood: accomplished
    The most sold progressive rock album ever
    No. It is not your shitfloyd and or shitterson-shit-shiter.
    The most sold one is the Final Fantasy VII OST.

    BTW, in the remake they completely change the game mechanics.
    Yet the soundtrack was left intact, beside being performed by orchestra:

    It is okay, but I would have changed it into thai rap.
    Or something else completely inappropriate.
    Like say licensing the Tsoy and Letov songs.
    Just to make the dumb chuds angry.

    Current Mood: amused

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