

Global Ukraine
I'm watching videos about Ukrainians bombing European ATMs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4HeJO2fkZg
I always seen Ukrainians as the true freedom fighters. Ukrainians will never do menial normie wagesalving. But what really saddens me is the low scale at which they perform.
Humanity really needs flashmob robberies. Where everyone participates. I.e. bomb multiple ATMs on a single night across the city and the country. The more - the merrier!
Government doesn't have the resources to track down so many suspects. They have a single helicopter and strategically placed patrols in each district.
Same as with flashmob looting. A single person will have hard time. Two kids can lift more: one distracts the personnel, other loots. But a thousand of people can loot entire mall clean, even without cars. Looters can even keep their faces open and brag about it on Facebook. A large enough suspect backlog will clogs the law enforcement system.
On larger scale, say a million looters, people can easily loot entire city. And the government wont be able to do a shit. It will be too late when the national guard arrives. And the soldiers will loot themselves and shoot a few innocent people. That will produce only more unrest and hatred.
I think that is how any real protest in Russia and other countries should begin. Nobody will get aroused by some Navalny's speeches or visit his stupid rallies. But if Navalny rallies were loot the rich rallies, even I would have happily join. Just to get a new laptop.
The real democracy and freedom is when you can loot anything you want. The fun for the whole nation!