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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-09-10 14:23:00

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Настроение: amused
Музыка:Hitoshi Sakimoto - Disaster
Entry tags:lifehack

Municipality demands the welfare recipients to participate in employment training. That is about what one needs to find stable employment. The class, I'm assigned to, consists out of arabs, several black guys, and a few of mail order brides (2 from Japan, and one from South America). Can't blame Dutch men for marrying cute asian girls, since the local girls became exceedingly body positive and feminist (Dutch girls don't even wear cosmetics!) The mail order brides are okay working as housewives, but the government wants women to be independent and strong, so they have to waste the time visiting this training instead spending time with children and cooking for their husbands.

Anyway, today they asked if trainees knew what is networking. To that I replied in English with my basic knowledge about network types and their topologies. That was not a satisfactory answer.

Next they invited a Syrian man, called Tarique. He told that initially the municipality helped him to find a job in logistics (loading/unloading trucks), but the poxy Arab was unable to work in sync with the Chad Dutch men, who are both tall and strong. So he got fired, but thanks to networking, his friend Muhammad hired Tarique at his car repair service. Then Tarique's family helped him to open a Halal store. And that is an example how networking can help one getting good and stable employment.

Then the municipality trainers asked everyone to fill-in a form representing their social networks: friends, family, schoolmates, internet acquaintances. That form can help municipality to understand the unemployment situation. Suddenly I realized that I don't really have anything to fill it in with. I don't have a family or friends, and by "internet friends" they likely meant Facebook contacts, and not my chats with Brenton Tarrant at the original 8chan.

Yet after thinking a bit, I completed the "MY NETWORK" form with the following entities:
* Pimps.
* Clients.
* ChatGPT.
* Welfare agency.
* Darknet pharmacy.
* Lisp.

So yeah, even the losers like me have friends.

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2024-09-12 13:24 (ссылка)
>нетворкинг это вообще-то от русского слова "нет"
>типа "нет работе"


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