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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-09-11 14:58:00

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Настроение: annoyed

The main problem of AI
The issue with AI generation is not that AI is harming the income of the woke dye haired artist girls (whose place is at the kitchen anyway, not doing the mediocre art). The real issue that AI can't generate a fucking fir tree!!

I tried for like 100 times to force AI into generating me a cedar tree, suitable for in-game use.
Yet all it could do were the fucking christfuckss firs.

Because most fir trees in the AI's training sets are the xmas trees.
That shit alone is enough to ban christfucks from practicing their dumb religion.
Please donate to the fucking HAMAS and ISIS to behead the x-shits!
Just so the training set could be cleansed from the depraved christian trash.

So the AI's main problem is its exceedingly christian bias.

I generally support freedom, but christian false one-sided freedom poisons everything, including art.

TLDR: I will have to keep drawing the art myself, because dye haired woke feminists ask too much and can't draw a shit.

Here is how real fir trees looks like (note the sparse upward going branches):

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