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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-03 22:19:00

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Настроение: sad
Entry tags:russia, ukraine, ww3

Mater of Magic Remake
Russians form "Муха" software were trusted with making a MoM remake.
The end result was so bland, nobody noticed it.
Including me.. until now.
Gone are the cute pixelart graphics and the lovely music.
The art direction is so uninspiring even AI can do better.
The game mechanics got even more broken, and in a bad way.

But Russians added some crap, like the tech faction.
And they changed map topology to a hex cells.
That somehow works and looks worse than the original squares.

So yeah, the best MoM remake (beside Age of Wonders) is still Civizard.
Surprisingly it remains untranslated.
But that is exactly the game one would be playing on a Nintendo Switch.
Especially with some HD 2D treatment.

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2024-10-04 22:43 (ссылка)
>So In my opinion you absolutely do a MoM clone

You can't have an opinion about something that doesn't exist and unlikely to see any release.

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2024-10-05 00:52 (ссылка)
I can just arbitrarily call your current game a MoM-clone and that's it. You do this shit regularly.

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2024-10-05 11:11 (ссылка)
>LOL i'M sO rANdom anD quIrKY

ok nigga

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2024-10-05 11:44 (ссылка)
26 uit from
27 Nederland the Netherlands
28 nee no
29 kom came
30 niet not

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