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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-04 15:59:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Entry tags:russia, ukraine, ww3

What to support
>А ты защищаешь Израильский терроризм и геноцид, соответственно? Расскажи почему ты это делаешь?

Human beings are profit driven agents.
So profit motive is deciding in what to support.
The existence of the Iranian nation doesn't bring me profit.
At best Iran is just an information noise for me.

So if all Iranians die, I will have more mental resources.
But Iran also hosts a lot of natural resources.
If Iran falls, these resources will be extracted for cheap.
Meaning cheaper and better life in Netherlands.
That includes easier access to SRS.

Existence of countries like Iran requires West to maintain military.
Dutch government is incentivized to do transgender gatekeeping.
If only to have larger military reserves.
West also has to spend significant money on defense industry.
Any money spent on national defense is the money not spent on improving humanity.
That includes slowing down the development of artificial organs, like wombs,
If Iranians die, there will be less need to waste the resources.

Generally, you always ask "is it good for me personally?"
Is the progress of humanity good for me?

So of course I support the complete genocide of the Iranian evildoers.

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2024-10-05 00:04 (ссылка)
In short, not Iranians fault that Jews refuse to vacate occupied territories, asked nicely or not. (i.e. this 'not ... fault that ...' thought pattern is frivolous and infantile)

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