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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-06 00:45:00

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Настроение: accomplished
Музыка:Deception IV: Blood Ties - 07 Prayer of the Nihilistic
Entry tags:gamedev

Base Building Progress
Transferred the existing city building system into the site space.

The cities are a lot more fine-grained than say Kohan II cities.
So a lot of additional coding required.
For example, unassigning a governor.
Or building structures in the neutral city through a neutral governor.

The single site now allows for several cities.

The way cities produce new units have to be fleshed out.
The new units travel from the edge of map.
So player should be able to give them pathfinding hints.

And I haven't yet fully decided on the unit training.
The original design demanded visiting several location on the world map.
Now I need to make it work with the single site scenarios.

Yet I will still avoid the things like unit experience.
Because I consider traditional RPG mechanics to be deficient.

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2024-10-06 10:49 (ссылка)
Все типы при­да­точ­ных пред­ло­же­ний в ни­дер­ланд­ском языке от­ли­ча­ет осо­бый по­ря­док слов: гла­гол стоит в конце пред­ло­же­ния.


Hij zegt dat hij morgen komt. — Он го­во­рит, что при­е­дет зав­тра.
Ik blijf thuis als ik ziek ben. — Я оста­юсь дома, когда я болею.


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