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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-18 12:27:00

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Настроение: contemplative
Музыка:Cosmos Elegy (コスモスの悲歌) - A mysterious Japanese waltz on 78 rpm record
Entry tags:computing

My issue with game engines
When you use a framework, it dictates you the architecture and limits you.
In other words, it is you who gets used as tool of the framework's creators.
Game engines also invite niggers to shit out mediocrity, asset swaps and walk simulators.
Since anyone can buy some FPS template and change title screen into My First Columbine Homage.
Especially since making something unique requires very good grasp of the engine.

So I'm surprised the niggers got angry when Godot also began dictating them political views.
After all these retards can't form their own views, just like they can't author their assets.

And nope, that isn't solved by forking Godot into Nazidot or switching to Unity.
That is in fact a long running problem:

The only solution lies in eugenics and genetic engineering.
But wars work too, since they weed out the worst dumbfucks.