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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-10-20 19:21:00

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Настроение: amused

RTS Games
I don't really like the RTS games.
The one exception is Kohan II.
Reason: it has no micromanagement.

The player can't even control individual units.
Only squads of 7 characters led by a HoMM style hero.
Instead of base building, player had cities,
which were developed just like the HoMM cities.
Player could also built new cities.

The first Kohan was too bland and broken.
But the second polished the formula, fixing most of the issues.

Despite being the realtime HoMM, it missed the HoMM's vibe.
Since the map exploration was not that important.
And the map design was horrendously bad.

Apparently I'm the only one liking it.
Since Kohan games haven't still made it to GoG.
Russian virus ridden piracy is the only way.
Then again GoG ceased publishing classic games.
Can't even find the Spellcraft there.

In fact GoG now push exclusively the goyslop like
"Disney Epic Mickey: Rebrushed for only $59.99"
And all the Steam tier indie trash.

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