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Пишет nancygold ([info]nancygold)
@ 2024-11-15 03:06:00

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Настроение: contemplative

So here is how the temple supposed to work
Basically, player captures enemy units and burns them at the temple.

What I haven't decided yet if how the capture supposed to be done.

Should player escort captive to the city's prison or they get auto-placed there upon defeat?

I don't want a lot of boring Starshit Valley micromanagement.

Yet captives teleporting to a prison overly-simplifies the logistics.

As a trade off I can limit the distance at which player has to escort captives.

Say when there are no enemies in sight.

Also, beside burning the captives there will be an option to ask for a ransom.

If the enemy refuses to pay ransom, they will can say lose reputation,
which control several systems in the game.

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