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nancygold's LiveJournal:
Wednesday, November 6th, 2024 | 12:35 pm |
Tramp's Victory >>At least my refugee status is secured now. >>As well as the status of all other trans. >Speaking of "all other trans", Trump promised anti-trans federal level legislation if he's elected. So that's wrong.I'm not in America. And Trump's law will mostly hit non-binaries and transtrenders. They can only ban you from visiting female toilets when your pass is low enough. What is more important, there will be less tolerance for Kamala's beloved Muslims, which pose far higher danger to trans than the Trump's christcucks. Christcucks will bitch, where Muslims will behead. Such cases. Current Mood: amused | Sunday, October 13th, 2024 | 12:50 pm |
Injectible Estradiol Dutch leftist transgender activist Camile about the Russian transsexuals: the words of this proud male pattern balding non-binary person, Russian trans girls are overdoing their transitioning getting access to injectible estradiol. In the leftist view hormones and surgeries are not mandatory to be a woman. I.e. one can be a bald and hairy woman producing loads of sperm. A Russian TS living in America once came to a gender clinic asking for estradiol injections, and they told her that she looks too good already. I never understood why these leftists hate and gatekeep us, except that we don't care about their queers for palestine agenda. But I read a few of their books, like Queering the Anarchism one, and everything immediately made sense! Leftists try to normalize ugliness, while Russian transsexual don't want to be ugly. We are not bodypositive, we are not the perverts and rapists scarecrows these leftists want to paint us to justify the endowments they get from the political actors. That is why transsexuals are their main enemies. We represent what these perverts try to appropriate for their political task. They need ugly freaks, but we are human beings with conservative binary gender views, which are the reason for our transitioning. They say it is okay to be unmanly man, we respond that we are repulsed by that. So it is a fundamental ideological difference. We will sooner find common language with neo-nazis than with leftists. I personally don't have anything against right-wingers banning trans girls from women sports (especially team sports). In my opinion women sports should not exist at all, since competition is something men do, not women. Regarding the parents gatekeeping children from transitioning: that wont change until more trans kids murder their parents, like Secundino did. People, including right wingers, understand only violence and if you have testosterone you have capability to inflict it. If 5% of trans children murder their parents, other parents will get out of our way. They want a violent man as a son? They should get one, since you fight fire with fire. Just don't do anything constructive, since constructive and cooperative behavior, and stoicism are the manly features. Violent right-wing parents need communication in the language they understand. Be hysterical and destructive - prove yourself as a woman: trans girl should read Bible and take notes, especially from the chapters on warfare: "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household." --Matthew 10:34-36 | Friday, May 31st, 2024 | 1:18 pm |
| Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 | 11:39 am |
Can we have a programming discussion without lefties telling you what to repost on your blog? Stonetoss indeed constantly trolls that 41% trannies do suicide. Most of the girls I know ended their lives after the toxic commies bully them into suicide. We all know Stonetoss is a neo-Nazi, but you expect LGBT community to be accepting. Now instead of helping you to medically transition, LGBT will tell you to be bodypositive (they need freaks) and offer you to protest for Palestine. LGBT will also tell you that sole reason niggers are transphobic and kill trans girls is because they are "oppressed," and therefore even bigger part of the LGBT and people like me have to help niggers, despite there being billions of them. Anyway, I disagree with Stonetoess on most points (i.e. him being antisemitic and supporting Islam). But I do disagree with most people, because I have a mind of my own. Current Mood: contemplativeCurrent Music: В защиту негров - Александр Лаэртский | Tuesday, May 14th, 2024 | 5:01 pm |
Current Mood: amused | Saturday, May 11th, 2024 | 11:35 am |
Where can one donate to IDF? Where can one donate to IDF? Asking for a friend. Current Mood: contemplative | Tuesday, March 12th, 2024 | 11:35 am |
Is you ass ready for the Big Palestinian Cocks? | Tuesday, December 5th, 2023 | 7:57 pm |
Cancel Culture People on the left and on the right hate and want to cancel me, since I insist that my gender transitioning is more important than both White Race with Palestinian Children combined and served under a cum sauce with the Ukraine war meat pellets. Yet I leech welfare, so the only way I can ever get employed is Facebook banning my profile for inappropriate videos of me dildoeing my ass, so that all my posts about mental illness wont occur in a background check, when the municipality forces me to look for a job. Can you give some ideas on how Russians, Ukrainians, Redditors and Kiwifarmians can "cancel" me? There even have a dedicated threads forgot the one Redditors made. Current Mood: amusedCurrent Music: Alfred Schnittke - Pledge of Love | Saturday, October 28th, 2023 | 3:18 pm |
Why Muslim Men Are Bald and Ugly? Muslims men have genetic abnormalities, such as baldness, because Muslim women are kept as slaves and are not allowed to pick their mates. That completely disables the two-gender natural selection system, leading to bad genes propagating unchecked, with each new generation looking more and more ugly, and having health and mental issues. That is why Muslims do crazy things, like circumcision and torturing animals to produce "halal" food. In a healthy human population women are responsible for filtering out the unhealthy genetic trash by refusing to mate with these incels. Islam did and continues doing enormous damage to humanity's health, worshiping Allah is the genetic race to the bottom, devolution into a crippled monkey. Current Mood: amused | 10:58 am |
Got permabanbed from Reddit for the bellow post. Guess I told truth again: LGBT organizations are supporters of Islamism; And the foremost enemy of trans girls. Current Mood: amused | Friday, October 27th, 2023 | 11:05 am |
Should truscum transsexuals identify as LGBT?? When I went to Dutch LGBT orgs asking help obtaining HRT without spending years on a waiting list, they refused to help. In fact LGBT do anything but actually helping trans girls: from climate activism and BLM to supporting HAMAS now. Why there are no rainbow flags picketing government buildings with demand to legalize HRT unconditionally? Why people can buy depression and violence inducing alcohol, like vodka, at supermarket but not estradiol? So I am asking myself: is HAMAS good for me? Current Mood: contemplative |