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Sunday, April 5th, 2015

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    In 2001 the pagoda was claimed by Martin Palmer, the translator of several popular books on Sinology, including Zhuangzi and I Ching, as a Nestorian Christian church from the Tang Dynasty, in his controversial book The Jesus Sutras. According to Palmer, the church and the monastery were built in 640 by early Nestorian missionaries.
    Supporters of Palmer's claims have drawn attention to details which suggest that the monastery was earlier a Christian church, including a supposed depiction of Jonah at the walls of Nineveh, a nativity scene (depiction of the birth of Jesus) and Syriac graffiti. The east-facing orientation of the complex is also advanced as evidence of its Christian origin since Chinese Daoist and Buddhist temple complexes face north or south.[5]
    Despite the publicity they have received, Palmer's claims are controversial, and have been dismissed by Michael Keevak, the author of The Story of a Stele, and by David Wilmshurst, the author of The Martyred Church: A History of the Church of the East.

    и картинки: http://www.chinahistoryforum.com/topic/9904-nestorian-christians/

    Когда-то смеялась, читая о том, как христианские миссионеры, попавшие вглубь Китая в 15 или 16 веке, встретили там народ, исповедовавший иудаизм. Вот, думаю, удивились.

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