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Пишет onanymous ([info]onanymous)
@ 2018-12-10 18:10:00

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И о их нравах

A middle school teacher and former Miss Kentucky pageant winner has been arrested and charged with sending nude photographs of herself to a 15-year-old boy, authorities said.

Ramsey Bearse, a 28-year-old teacher at Andrew Jackson Middle School outside Charleston, West Virginia, allegedly sent the photos to a former student, according to the Kanawha County Sheriff's Office.
The boy's parents found the photos on his phone and told police about them last week. They said their son was a student at Andrew Jackson from 6th to 8th grade and that Bearse was a teacher there during some of that time, according to a criminal complaint.
In an interview with police, Bearse admitted to sending at least four photos of her topless via Snapchat from about August to October, the complaint states.
She is charged with four counts of distributing obscene materials to a minor, a felony.

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2018-12-10 14:33 (ссылка)
>A middle school teacher and former Miss Kentucky pageant winner has been arrested and charged with sending nude photographs of herself to a 15-year-old boy, authorities said.



2018-12-10 22:31 (ссылка)
все вроде по закону, кто кого и куда не важно, он может и шантажом фотки вытащил, а сидеть будет она.
но если у пацана играй гармон, он даже не заметит потерю. значит предки обычные мудаки, сломали жизнь училке.
или родаки хотели ему учебу, ровню в пару, а него была любофь, и сейчас будет депресняк, адикция, суицид. предки опять мудаки, сломали жизнь сыну.
все проблемы, что предки мудаки.
предохраняйтесь, мудаки!
