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@ 2014-02-05 19:01:00

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Настроение:europe endless
Музыка:Triarii - Europa

This is Europa my innermost sun

This is my kingdom
This is my silver sun
This is my mother
Of ascension and decline

This is my empire
This is where heroes die
This is my mistress
So bold and so divine

This is Europa
My innermost sun
My state of redemption
Of fire and of water to come
Swastikas rising
In times of expand
This is Europa
Where all will come to an end

This is my kingdom
This is my chosen one
This is my queen
Of ascension and decline

This is our empire
This is our state of mind
This is where legions
ascend into the sky

This is Europa
My innermost sun
My state of redemption
Of fire and of water to come
Swastikas rising
In times of expand
This is Europa
Where all will come to an end

This is Europa
My innermost sun
My state of redemption
Of fire and of water to come
Swastikas rising
In times of expand
This is Europa

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2014-02-05 19:12 (ссылка)


2014-02-07 00:43 (ссылка)
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