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@ 2020-07-31 20:11:00

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The Strange World of Gurney Slade

The series follows the character of Gurney Slade, played by Newley, through a series of mundane environments with fantastical elements. Slade is the only continuing character, and is often heard in voice-over expressing his thoughts. Though we learn much about the character's inner life, we learn very little of Gurney Slade's history or background. He appears to be a character in a typical family-oriented TV show who abruptly tires of the artificial environment he's apparently trapped in; the first episode opens with Slade breaking the fourth wall of a television sitcom and leaving the set, to the protestations of its director.

Slade spends the rest of the series simply wandering from one (generally sparse) environment to another, ruminating on life in an often free-associative way. During his wanderings, he sometimes encounters a range of odd people (and at least one talking dog), all of which may be entirely creations of his own imagination. At one point, Slade is put on trial for being a TV character who isn't funny; other episodes consistently introduce meta-fictional elements into the proceedings. The series concludes with a final episode in which Slade, in a TV studio, appears to be little more than a machine-like performer whose every move is controlled by outside forces.

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2020-08-07 07:04 (ссылка)
русские (а для этого нужны английские)

там было обсуждение, разрешать ли выкладывать контент не на русском, и решили, что нечего лишний раз внимание привлекать

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