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@ 2023-03-27 23:33:00

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Fundamental Groups and the Milnor Conjecture
Elia Bruè, Aaron Naber, Daniele Semola

It was conjectured by Milnor in 1968 that the fundamental group of a complete manifold with nonnegative Ricci curvature is finitely generated. The main result of this paper is a counterexample, which provides an example M7 with Ric≥0 such that π1(M)=ℚ/ℤ is infinitely generated.
There are several new points behind the result. The first is a new topological construction for building manifolds with infinitely generated fundamental groups, which can be interpreted as a smooth version of the fractal snowflake. The ability to build such a fractal structure will rely on a very twisted gluing mechanism. Thus the other new point is a careful analysis of the mapping class group π0Diff(S3×S3) and its relationship to Ricci curvature. In particular, a key point will be to show that the action of π0Diff(S3×S3) on the standard metric gS3×S3 lives in a path connected component of the space of metrics with Ric>0.

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