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A-Holes Nov. 30th, 2007|07:12 am

Being in Florida has reminded me of several things. One, I don't live in Kansas anymore. Two, NJ/the East Coast is so differenet than the rest of the country.

Everyone here in Florida is so fucking nice. The woman today at the ticket booth at Universal Studios was the kindest nicest person I have ever met ( + she was black, this has nothing to do with it, but ya know...) Everyone that I've encountered while out and about has been sweet and helpful. I don't know if it's because it's Orlando or something or if it's because they are all fucked up in the head and hopped up on Disney snacks. Either way it's off setting. The people here are like the people in Kansas, which isn't a bad thing, but it's not who I am today.

I don't know if I've completely changed since moving, but I just can't take the niceness. I'm probably the biggest dick head there is around when I go other places outside of the New York City area. Maybe all East Coaster's run into this problem. I don't think we notice it around one another. I think that little things like... moving over that extra 1/2 inch so your filthy breath isn't in my face on the subway... is something that we see as a kinda gesture. Then when someone who is truely kind (and most likely not from the city, or from out of town) does something for us like hold the elevator or tell us our shoes look cute, we give them a gross stare or mumble if speak at all the word "thanks".

I suppose, as of right now, I'm ok with this. I guess thats what you have to do to survive out here and try to make it to the top. If you're not from this area I'm guessing you'll shoot STRAIGHT to the top using these tactics because it will be easy to squash everyone beneathe you with your rude comments and dirty looks. Hey- I'm good at dirty looks.
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