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Come back to me Dec. 1st, 2007|11:30 am

So basically I'm spazzing over 2 movies I desperatly want to see, one is Atonement !!!!!!! and the other is Sweeney Todd!!!

So Atonement is one of those kissy kissy goo goo romance movies, but the way that they did it looks INCREDIBLE. Especially since it's back in WW2 and that era is one...of my most absolute favorite...eras...ever..traiiler...

The other is Sweeney Todd, the hottest barber known on the face of the planet;even if he does have a tendency to kill whoever sits in his chair. <3<3<3<3

And because of my dumb luck I can't see either in theaters and have to wait to rent them. *curses*

Crap, I've got to go.
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