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April 21st, 2006

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The Pirate Party
The Pirate Party (Swedish: Piratpartiet) is a newly started political party in Sweden. The party strives to weaken the rights of intellectual property and immaterial rights, including copyright, patent and the protection of design. The agenda also includes support for a strengthening of the right to privacy (such as private property and private information), both on the Internet and in everyday life. The party does not have an agenda for any other subjects and therefore it is not possible to place the party anywhere on the left-right scale.

Initially, the party was against trademark rights, but did an about-turn in that question when the first party programme was accepted. It also contained changes to what the party thought about copyright and patent, amongst others. After around a month of existence, the party had gained 900 members, paying the membership fee of five Swedish kronor (approx. US$0.65, c.2006), payable by SMS. The current interim board of the party consists of Rickard Falkvinge (founder), Mika Sjöman, Christian Engström, Sebastian Själin and Mikael Viborg (known as the legal adviser of the bittorrent tracker The Pirate Bay). Former board members include Cecilia Beckrot.

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Current Mood:
apathetic apathetic
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[info]iten@lj о любви. насладиться шедевром =)
Current Mood:
impressed impressed
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