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Пишет puffinus ([info]puffinus)
@ 2007-09-12 16:33:00

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Новое сообщество

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Суть понятна из названия - это левый взгляд на события в России и мире. Место, где леваки смогут поставить вопросы - и найти ответы на них.

Кому это близко - присоединяйтесь.


(Добавить комментарий)

2007-09-12 11:22 (ссылка)
Сорри что не по теме. Сегодня не смогу встретиться, предлагаю завтра. Позвоню днём, ок?
(три коммент, прочитав) :)


2007-09-12 13:14 (ссылка)
мне кажется, правильнее будет Left-wing politics


Hello from USA to Russian Left winger
2007-09-12 18:21 (ссылка)
Go ahead! Move to Cuba... Follow desires of your left wing bleeding heart. We'll sent you postcards on Stalin-Lenin-Fidel's B-days, if you you still alive.

Doubt,however, that you will, big talker!
People like you were shot first by leftists after a bloody takeover in 1917.
Because you never like any reality. All you need - talk, talk, talk... A lot of hot air and no substance


2007-09-12 19:22 (ссылка)
From the bleeding hearts left wingers of USA to the left wingers comrades of Mother SovDepiia.

SALUT COMRADES OF SOVDEPIIA!!!!! Enjoy this nostalgic memorabilia tearjerker.

Official May Day Address 2007
By Propaganda Department
5/1/2007, 2:14 pm

Annual Transmission to Toiling Masses on occasion of May 1st International Workers' Solidarity Day

Delivered by Laika the Space Dog, Member of Politburo, Friend of Progressive People

Workers, peasants, and the unwashed toiling intelligentsia! < prolonged applause >

Congratulations on surviving another glorious year of Revolution! This year we witnessed the collapse of the Republican Capitalist voting system! For the first time since 1994 no voting irregularities were reported in the mainstream media. The record turnout of dead voters, whom we like to call "necro-proxies of progress" has given the Democratic Socialists an absolute mandate to do whatever they damn well please in both The House of Representatives and The Senate. The absolutist rule of the Democratic majority shall bury the silly idea of a "republic" once and for all. Oh yes! We will bury you!
< Slams podium with shoe >
