re_animator's Journal
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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2005

    Time Event
    You're a "Black Angel" which means your
    an Angel of Death. You don't really care much
    about people since no one was particularly nice
    to you and now you want revenge for their
    cruelty. You're always alone unless forced to
    be with other people and you love to cause
    trouble. You feel depressed a lot and don't
    have something that could cheer you up like
    most people. You don't find joy in people or
    the arts or any item or some sort. You have
    darker desires and you're very secretive. (If
    you cannot see the picture, go to my homepage
    and scroll down near the bottom. I have the
    results from all my quizess that have pics)

    What Color Angel Are You? (PICS)
    brought to you by Quizilla

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    Хе-хе... ;)
    Я Герберт Уэст!
    Тысячи и тысячи часов кропотливой аутопсии, штабеля трепанированных черепов, мегатонны выпотрошенных внутренностей-всё это лишь побочный продукт вашей научной деятельности. Но столь рьяно предаваясь Науке, постарайтесь не потерять голову. Это, конечно, не смертельно, но довольно неприятно.
    *какой вы персонаж Лавкрафта?*

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