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Sunday, August 21st, 2016

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    Занятно: похоже, выбрали новую страну, которую можно без палева разгромить под фанфары, а заодно заклятым врагам саудитам надрать задницы. Ну, то есть, это всё в теории, а вот что получится, это мы посмотрим.

    >Saleh continued:

    >"We extend our hands to Russia. We have agreements with the Russian Federation which were with the Soviet Union. The legitimate heir to the Soviet Union is the Russian Federation, we are ready to activate these treaties and agreements that were between us and the Soviet Union.

    >"We agree on a principle, which is the struggle against terrorism ... We extend our hands and offer all the facililties, and the conventions and treaties ... We offer them in our bases, in our airports and in our ports – ready to provide all facilities to the Russian Federation."

    >Ali Abdullah Saleh, a former counter-terrorism ally of the U.S. who was toppled by mass protests in 2011, told state-owned channel Russia 24 that Yemen was ready to grant Moscow access to air and naval bases.

    Илларионов, кстати, давно писал про возможные подвижки в этом направлении: На очереди – удар по Саудовской Аравии?.

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