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Saturday, April 27th, 2013

    Time Event
    Numbers are everything

    Description/ Required Skills:

    - Lead Business Systems Analyst needed who possesses both strong communication and business analysis skills along with IT Project Management skills.

    - Must be able to work effectively with business analysts, IT Developers, Project Managers and Sr. Business Managers creating project plans, strategies, design documents, test plans and execute testing.

    - Experience leading business implementation for complex projects with diverse stakeholder groups required.

    - Communications – Written, Verbal and Presentations............10 years.

    - Business Analysis and Business Requirements...............10 years.

    - IT Project Management...................5 years.

    - Software Application Testing.............5 years.

    Desired Skills:

    - Experience with Imaging and Document Management...............2 years.

    - Software Test Automation..................2 years.

    - Use Cases in HP ALM Business Requirements Management.............2 years.

    Мм...техническое - не требование, а пожелание: "хорошо бы иметь 2 года HP Application Lifecycle Management".

    Весна в Бостоне
    Instagram про аккаунт Джохара Царнаева

    The Instagram account, with the user name "jmaister1," no longer exists, and friends of Tsarnaev say it was deleted only recently. An Instagram spokesman declined to comment on the account or disclose when the account was deleted<...>

    Instagram makes clear in its terms of service that it will turn its records over to law enforcement officials when it receives a valid subpoena or search warrant.

    "Given the volume of real-time content on Instagram, some information may only be stored for a short period of time," Instagram says on its site. "We do not retain data for law enforcement purposes unless we receive a valid preservation request."

    А мы гуляли сегодня по Бостону в районе порта (Boston Seaport & Waterfront), там здорово, цветут деревья и цветочки вроде анютиных глазок, люпинов и нарциссов. Где рыбу перерабатывают, воняет. А в других места приятно пахнет морем. В прошлом чисто индустриальный район, который заполняется хайтековскими компаниями и современными зданиями с интересной архитектурой. Парковка на митере 12 мин за квотер (бесплатная не попалась). Свежая рыба в ресторане.

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