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O govnojedax [Oct. 12th, 2018|10:46 am]

zadacha: 12 sharov, 1 faljshivyj, 3 vzveshivanija; najti faljshivyj i v kakuju storonu.

habroguru pishet:
"Мое решение на языке Java с тестами"

eto vsjo chto vy xoteli znatj o habre i programmistax na java.

P.S. vru. ne vsjo.
tam u njego ssylka nazhoristaja na "matematicheskoje obosnovanije"
malo togo chto u njego polnoperebornoje obosnovanije kotoroje ne porazhdajet ponimanije metoda.
tak eto NE JEGO obosnovanije! sukabljatj! my zhivjom v mire vtorjaka! pizdec do kakoj stepeni vse eti ljudi vtorichny!
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This is why Linux is going South [Sep. 26th, 2018|03:34 pm]

because the imbecile-gurus like this macaque determine the direction of the Linux development, and define the entire discourse around it.

...and never ever tell me about the "high asian IQ" again.
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Pro bab #22 [Sep. 25th, 2018|09:41 pm]
sovsem odnomernyje baby poshli -- ne o chem pisatj!
ili ja stal avtomaticheski izbegatj nazhoristuju shizu?....

vot zhalkije kroxi:

Ja ljublju pozitivnyx ljudej.

Jesli menja pochesatj ebonitovym grebjeshkom, ja stanu ochenj pozitivnym.


Ja xochu cheloveka s gorjachim serdcem i jasnoj golovoj!

Oj! Golova u menja jasnaja kak ni u kogo... a kakoj temperatury dolzhno bytj serdce?

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[Sep. 13th, 2018|08:56 pm]
одна девочка постоянно ела рис,
потомучто думала что у неё от етого вырастут сиськи.
посмотреть китайское порно ей в голову не приходило,
потомучто девочка.
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Friedrich Engels offers oranges to Clara Zetkin [Sep. 13th, 2018|03:05 pm]
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All you need to know about "madfrequency" [Sep. 9th, 2018|09:12 pm]
"Николашка 2 Кровавый был смещен ленинской гвардией"

takov ljuboj kommunist-tifaretchik
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It's me [Sep. 1st, 2018|11:47 pm]
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Lefties butthurt about G7 [Jun. 10th, 2018|02:26 pm]
"trump splits our alliance!"
yeah! the alliance between the legs and the prison moons.
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Russkij Jazyk Umjer [Jun. 1st, 2018|12:30 pm]
Krasnodar. Stomatologicheskaja klinika: "VIP STOMA"
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keeping you updated on the reality [May. 17th, 2018|09:54 pm]
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Русский язык мёртв и воняет [May. 8th, 2018|06:39 pm]
реклама в лифте:
ЕДИНЫЕ ТЕЛЕФОНЫ с мобильных операторов
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A Genetic Hypothesis Of Feminism [Nov. 27th, 2017|04:56 pm]
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On The Real Life Comminusm [Nov. 22nd, 2017|01:28 pm]
An experimental communism was actually built:
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[Nov. 22nd, 2017|12:32 am]
It is clear from models and from studies of small-scale societies
that, in a population of near-equals, increased cooperation
and egalitarianism can promote group success. When
dealing with complex societies, however, a focus on
cooperation is limited because it misses the influences of
collaborative interdependence and group-level traits. This
point is supported by a recent game-theoretic model
demonstrating that economic stratification and division of
labor within a structured society could generate higher
total group payoffs than egalitarian norms

Henrich, J. & Boyd, R. (2008) Division of labor, economic specialization, and the
evolution of social stratification.
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TexLive: the most important advice [Nov. 19th, 2017|11:46 am]
do not use the OS's package manager. install TexLive with the TexLive own installer.
it produces a SINGLE DIRECTORY on your filesystem. the TeX's madness is now contained.

TexLive's NetInstall guide:
it worked even for me.
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[Nov. 15th, 2017|01:27 pm]
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On Red October [Nov. 8th, 2017|04:10 pm]
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[Nov. 8th, 2017|01:16 pm]
The man who created TeX has no right to teach me how to program.
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The best short prose ever [Nov. 8th, 2017|08:53 am]

P.S. especially useful for Avla who believes in magic in the lands of elves.
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Some reality for Ketmar [Nov. 7th, 2017|04:31 am]

keep spreading your nonsense about you being able to overcome this shit.
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