September 14th, 2014
steinkrauz | 01:03 am - Boys problems Harry was curious. Since his children were back home for Christmas holidays Albus was acting strangely subdued. Well, he never was as bright and loud as his brother James or as cheery as little Lily, but still something was bothering his second son besides his usual insecurities. He was unsure as to make his son talk to him about this problem, or just left his teen problem to resolve itself in its due course and was musing about pros and contras, but decision was already made for him. In the door stood his second son, obviously mustering his Griffindor courage to approach his father.
"Come and sit, Al", smiled Harry, "I'm completely free and I miss our chats"
Albus smiled at last, though he was still fidgeting and took his time getting settled in his usual chair near his father's desk.
"Um, Dad", asked Al very carefully, "may I ask you a very personal question? Really personal? You'll see I should go to James with it, but we're different, and you somewhat closer to me there, and then I think James will laugh, and tell Fred, and then the whole school will talking...", Al realised he's babbling and became silent.
Some girl problem or worse, a puberty problem, thought Harry, do I need to perform 'The Talk' now, or Merlin is merciful and it's not the time?
Harry grinned, "Knowing your brother, you've made a wise choice. Don't fret and spill it out".
"OK. Dad, when did you got hairs ...well, you know... down there...", asked Al and glanced cautiously through his fringe at his father.
That was really an unexpected question. Harry Potter was unquestionably one of the best Aurors, that is why his smile was staying on his face, his gaze never wavered, and his mind took just half of a second to deduce an original reason for the question. Thought later he found it hilarious to switch in full fledged 'field auror mode' for the talk of pubes.
"Ah, don't worry, Al. You're a late bloomer, just like me.", damn, parents are entitled to embarass their children, not the other way round, thought Harry, but the more he talked, the easier words came to him. "Mine had sprouted out in a spring of my Fourth year, so I'm afraid you have to wait one more year."
Al wasn't looking reassured at all, so Harry felt the need to improve the perspective. "But, perhaps, with proper food in summers and the lack of any visions or encounters with dragons in your life your body will speed up the process. And don't think low of yourself for worrying about that. Been there myself -- the first week in my Fourth year, Ron got quite big a bush during the summer, and was particularly un-discreet while changing. I was jealous."
"Some things really never change!", grinned Al. Tension was leaving him, dad really understood his problem and soothed his mind. It was way much easier to endure teasing if you know the reason will vanish for sure. Oops, not for sure, there was still one doubt, Al's smile slid.
"Um, there is one more problem. Scorpius too got no hairs, but he's big, like a real dick, and mine's still a little winky". Albus' face was red and he found the floor an extremely interesting thing to watch.
"Don't worry, son", Harry, on the contrary, was at easy, "young Malfoy, just like you, is after his father. Draco was big and bald all the Third year and the most part of the Fourth. Then he got some hairs, just a little more than a few, and stayed that way until the Sixth year. So in the hair department you will be ahead for a while".
"Thanks, Dad, you're really great!", this time smile stayed on Albus' face. "Still, it's really awkward to talk to you about this kind of thing."
Father and son parted, and neither of them knew they both shared one unspoken question: "How on Earth and why you got to look inside Malfoy's pants?"